Trade-The Application Principle

Trade is an interesting concept with multiple layers of definition and application

In fundamental economics trade is defined as the action of buying and selling of goods and services.

In educational terms it is a skilled job, typically one requiring manual skills and special training

In terms of the market, trade gets a slightly more complex definition but it equates out to the pursuit of making a profit and building a sizable income stream whether that is earned from the Stock Market or the Foreign Exchange Market. Little

Finally, from a personal view trade could be defined as putting old things down in order to acquire newness.

What do we mean by this??

In reality the best way these can all be understood is to combine the definitions themselves as well as employing the use of the first two pillars of learning and investing as well. So, let’s paint this picture together.

In order to begin learning how to trade in the stock market or forex market one has to prioritize your time and instead of doing other things like watching tv, social gatherings, or just time spent doing nothing productive you may begin to trade (swap) the habit of laziness out for productivity.

As time progresses and you invest that time into developing your skills, training and aptitude in the art of trading. Naturally creating habits of productivity in other areas of your life because you chose to trade old things in order to acquire something new.

One of the biggest trading points that a large majority of us can relate to is the time for money trade made at jobs 40+ hours per week. We are fairly confident that 3 out of 5 people at least would love to make that particular trade end so that they could spend more time with family, traveling, more trading or doing whatever other activity it is that they love. Ultimately, now that you have decided to make that habit trade look at yourself now and realize that you learned the skill of trade that derives from the educational perspective giving you the ability to trade as it relates to the market definition and you have accomplished this from trading your old mindset for a new mindset resulting in earning yourself a new income stream compounding dollars all from making a decision. The benefit of all of these new-found aspects of trade is having armed yourself with the fresh financial flexibility.

Conclusively I would like to leave you with this quote:

“A man is worked upon by what he works on. He may carve out his circumstances, but his circumstances will carve him out as well.” -Frederick Douglass, The Portable Fredrick Douglass

You will define things in your life as you go as well those same things defining you so be mindful of what you do with and for yourself daily, you do not have to reinvent the wheel but you can customize your tread on it.

We will never make you do anything, we cannot but we will continuously offer our sincere and researched methods of improving your life as we strive to improve our own.  We must lift as we climb. So, if you are universally somewhere in life that you do not want to be first a decision must be made to change. Then consciously grasp that mentally, emotionally, financially it is within your capability and obligation to begin those changes learn what it takes, invest the time/money into crafting those changes and watch your new trade gain new profits in intellect and dollars.   Learn. Invest. Trade

Money Mindset

To those of us that have for years watched news channels, seen little letters beside bright red and green numbers and heard crazy jargon about “The DOW/S&P500/NASDAQ lost XYZ points today” and wondered “What the heck does all that mean?!?!?”, welcome to Dollars and Decisions.

Dollars and Decisions is a product of the minds of traders spanning across different ages and ranges of experience. We aim to create a more user-friendly environment for learning, teaching, and experience about charts and other investment jargon while using day-to-day conversation and understandable language. As you continue to follow us, we also will want to follow you as we trade together.

Money is a sensitive subject for most people because of the infinite range of possible financial situations.  Rather than attempt to address each situation individually, we want to help you obtain a correct view of your finances and keep your emotional intelligence (EQ) in check.

Consumers are powerfully influenced by their emotions and environmental cues, as well as how options are presented to them. By becoming aware of these biases, we could develop a better pattern of thinking and decision making. On a daily basis, consumers spend billions of dollars for different reasons and make trades on the individual stocks/forex markets/mutual funds etc. based on what they think they know, information they’ve read, past market rises and falls as well as their emotional state, which unfortunately often accounts for the biggest portion of decision making. It is important to determine if you’re spending with your heart or your head at the supermarket and especially when investing and trading.

We at Dollars and Decisions understand the significant role that emotions play in any money venture. Our goal is to empower and enlighten you on the trading and investing processes while strengthening the mental aspect that comes with it, resulting in sculpted minds and habits leading to becoming better and more profitable investors/traders.

Before entering the market I took some time to research topics involving ways we spend our money and controlling that, I was able to discover ways to improve my emotional state by first, figuring out what type of spender I was then secondly, getting a grip on that so that I would begin to practice better financial habits.

Once those two key factors were understood and more in my grasp I was then confident enough to begin my trading and investing education. Like you, I had to start somewhere as they always say, because like many of us earning a salary these days is just simply not enough. So, with all of that said let’s get your mind right first and the next time we talk we may begin to talk about your dollars and decisions.

Grab a pen/pencil and some paper/notebook, write these things down so that you have the information in front of you.

  1. Find out what type of spender/consumer you are. (Spender)
  2. Figure out which method would be best for you to begin forming new habits. (Grip)